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About Us


At Simmers Crane, we pride ourselves on having the ability to provide our customers with a wide range of services to meet all of their overhead lifting needs. With over 60 years of experience in building and maintaining cranes and hoists we can appreciate all the custom and complex manners that arise. We also understand that other non-crane components within a facility do not last forever and are often in need of repair rather than replacement. In order to better serve our customers, we have added an in-house machine shop (Buffalo Machine Repair) specializing in repair of specialty equipment that is difficult or impossible to replace. 

Located here Tonawanda, NY, our shop includes a number of different machines and capabilities such as vertical and horizontal mills, various sized engine lathes up to 34” swing by 200” length, internal key cutting, and large press and lathe capabilities. This allows us to provide services such as rebuilding and/or manufacturing wheel assemblies, manufacturing and repair of hoist block units, in house gearbox rebuilding, and general machining to name a few.